Discover the World of Original Art with Andy Baker Art

Immerse yourself in a collection of unique original artworks and high-quality prints. Each piece tells a story and reflects the passion behind my creations. Experience art in its finest form and bring a touch of inspiration into your life.

Why not invest in an original work of Art.

This Website will guide you through my Art !

I have worked in many styles of painting and drawing using many different Art materials including Oils on Canvas,  Acrylic on Canvas and on different papers including coloured paper and Collage sometimes mixing paint, Charcoal in one piece of artwork. (mixed media). I have also used household goods to make Art, laying down a layer of Quink ink and lift it off to create an image like working from dark to light and creates an original piece of Art. Candles also have a use to create wax resist Art. I have experimented with my paintings with food Dyes which gives a subtle colour to any Art. My early influences were Artists such as Stanley Spencer I loved the detail in his art work and he felt that painting in a realistic way added to the bueaty of the image. and I liked his scenes of Cookham. David Hockney was an early influence and he has lived the most woderful life style ! I have not only worked from life but  much of my art has been from Photographs and have always admired the art of Edward Hopper who used photographs. As you see later I paint in many different styles. and I love so much different influences more recently Expressionism, German Art Franz Marc's Art I am particularly good. I loved the use of bold colour and painterly style. I also have done some large Abstract Art and I do find them very bright and bold and very impactful. Picasso was very good at painting subjects in a very impact-full way his use of bold bright colours and so inventive and creative I have tied painting in his style and it is very hard to emulate his art.

My other Artistic influences are Max Ernst, Matisse, Otto Mueller, Otto Dix, Monet, Manet, Cezanne, Peter Blake.

This is about my life and my training as an artist

I currently live in Taunton, Somerset, England

Born in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire in 1963 and moved around the country quite often and not really an academic the only thing I was good at was art and english ! Only really discovered art properly when I was about 17 I studied fine art sculpture and photography at firstly Solihull Technical College then Birmingham  School of Art. i have studied painting and drawing at Creative Innovation Centre , Taunton more recently !

My Early life :

When I was young I used to move quite a lot with my Father's Job he was a Director in the Health Service, this meant I found it hard to settle down and find out what I was good at therefore I did not really discover art properly until my late teens although there has been an artistic streak in the family. My time at Solihull Technical Collage was very enjoyable and on this Art Foundation coarse I studied Graphic Art, Sculpture, Photography and then settled on Fine Art Painting here I would paint in large scale paintings mainly in Oils of Buskers I had photographed in Covent Garden in London. I also learnt how to develop my own photographs.

Then from there I went to Birmingham School of Art in Margaret Street, Birmingham, England. here I did printing Silk Screen, Etching, Sculpture and was taught by the Artist Helen Chadwick and taught Fine Art painting by Harry Snook and Roger Westwood and John Carter. Unfortunately I had to give up the course in the mid second year due to Illness, which I was very disappointed.


But I have stiiI continued to study art and practise art. More recently I have studied art at ciccic Taunton and was taught by Chris Dart who is quite a prolific Artist himself. I studied Life Drawing and Painting. I have exhibited a few times there ! Through the years I have had One Man Shows  many mixed exhibitions and have a One Man Show coming up on the 31st of March 2025 at Taunton Library Somerset. This will showcase my art, recent paintings it will be of Landscapes more quirky art and merchandise including Mugs, T-shirts, Pens with my art designs. I also do Art Markets in the centre of Taunton in conjunction with Go-Create which I am a member of and Taunton Independant Markets. Not last year but the three years previous to that I have had work accepted at Illminster Open which the work is of a very high standard of art. I tend to do more painting than drawing as I do love colour and hope that shows in my art ! As far as drawing is concerned I still like using Charcoal and there are some showed later in the Website.

About Andy Baker Art

Art That Speaks to You

Bringing Imagination to Life

This painting is called Stag Beatle and Plant it is oil on canvas 50cm by 44cm and unframed  it is influenced by German Expressioism. £95 not kincluding any post or packaging. Delivery can be arranged local to Taunton , England.


Discover more about my versatile range of original paintings and I constantly update this page, but if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to get in touch with me – I will be more than happy to help.

Spheres like Balloons. Oil on paper 58cm by 42cm Unframed ! £75 not including post and  packaging .

This painting is part of a series I did which is thinking what makes us what we are primarily Biology !

Spheres. Oil on paper 58cm by 42cm, Framed in gold coloured wood. £320 not including any post and packaging.

One of the sphere series

Close up of Spheres painting with frame.

The painting is beautifully framed in gold moulding and dark green mount which really sets of the boldness of the painting and colours. would decorate any room or display !

Spheres with Boots. Oil on paper also Collage. Framed with gold painted frame. 58cm by 42cm. £320 not inclusive of post and packaging .

One of the sphere series. Very simular frame to the previous Sphere painting. All of the images are done to a very high standard and the frames are to a very high standard.




Spheres with Faberge Egg. Oil on paper. Unframed ! £75 without post and packaging. Local delivery can be arranged. with all my work 

Contact me to look at delivery options

Spheres with Stripes. Oil on paper. Unframed ! £75 without post and packaging.

Satisfying customers is my top priority. That’s why I believe in offering fair and transparent prices with no hidden fees.

Featured Collections and Merchandise

Explore the key highlights of my artistic offerings. Each category showcases the diversity and creativity embedded in my work.<br/>From stunning original pieces to delightful merchandise, there's something for everyone.

Mountain Range, oil on canvas. 54.5cm by 44cm. unframed ! £185 not including any post and packaging !

This painting is influenced by the late american Artist Bob Ross. Delivery can be arranged local to Taunton, England

Purple Mountain Range, Oil on canvas, 55.5cm by 45cm. unframed ! £165 not including any post and packaging !

This is another painting in the Bob Ross style at a fraction of the price. Local delivery can be arranged 

Landscape with broken down fence. 75cm by 61cm.  £165 Unframed ! Oil on canvas. Not including post and packaging .

Discover an array of products featuring my art, including apparel, home décor, and more. Wear your love for art.

Bright Day over mountains. Oil on canvas. Unframed ! 51cm by 45.5cm. £95 not including post and packaging.

Interested in a personal touch? I also take commissions to create bespoke art pieces tailored to your desires.


Original Art Created

Affordable Prices

Art Prints Sold

T-Shirts, Mugs, Pens and many more to come

Merchandise Items Available

Some small Landscapes at very affordable prices

These images are very popular with the public !

Snow, Acrylic on canvas, Unframed ! 25cm by 20cm. £55 not including P&P

This painting is at a bargain price for an original art piece !

Lovely Day. Acrylic on canvas, Unframed ! 25cm by 20cm. £55 not including P&P Another Bargain !

My aim is provide quality images to suit all pockets !

Early Morning. Acrylic on canvas. Unframed. 25cm by 20cm. £55 not including P&P

Please note in all of my images the paintings themselves will be slightly larger as websites demand that they fit into Templates !

Sunset over Water. Acrylic on Canvas. 25cm by 20cm. Unframed !

These types of painting are very enjoyable to do and stress free .

Pink Sky. Acrylic on Canvas. 35.5cm by 27cm. Unframed ! £65 not including P&P,

Next time you look at a sky observe all the different colours and shades I do all the time !

Sheen on water. Acrylic on Canvas. 42cm by 30cm. Unframed ! £75 not including P&P.

Daybreak. Acrylic on Canvas. 42cm by 29.5cm. Unframed £75 not including P&P.

More information about my Sphere paintings :

More information about my Landscapes :

My Sphere paintings, when I was painting these I was thinking about biology and for example what makes someone an Artist or what makes someone become good at maths teacher. and these paintings represent molecules in the brain what makes us tick. At the time I wanted to be very strong attractive and create art with some meaning and my art also create effect. I can see why people like traditional landscape paintings I think people like to view them and drift away and if you live in a bit of a dull dwelling or a bad estate that's not a bad thing I don't think there are many households that don't have some kind of  Art on there wall.

My Landscape paintings are influenced by the american Artist Bob Ross, his television programmes are on British television a lot . It is a very simple way of painting but very effective and stress free. Bob Ross himself that he used to have all kinds of anxiety with his previous forms of art. I thought why not paint some small paintings at very affordable prices for original pieces of art. He used to sell them for $6000 a painting so my art is far more affordable..

Some of these following paintings and drawings are more Querky than others

Birds of Paradise. Oil on Canvas. I cannot remember the exact dimensions of this painting  but it is sold anyway.

This painting is influenced by the coloured feathers on wild tropical birds if you look closely there is also an upside down face of a Native. it is quite a large piece of art about 45cm by 35cm. I have prints of this painting.

Mountains over Woods. Oil on Canvas. Approx 25cm by 20cm. Sold ! 

My aim is that you are completely satisfied with my art and products .

The Yellow Lodge. Acrylic Pen on Paper. 58cm by 42cm. £75 not including P&P. unframed !

This drawing is something I see on the way back from visiting my Father in his Care Home. He is 92 and has Dementia. I have picked out key features of the lodge the windows the doors. Art does'nt always have to be an exact replica of the subject

Abstract Shapes. Acrylic and Pencil on Paper. 58cm by 42cm, Unframed ! £75 not incuding P&P

Everything we do centers on providing services of the highest level of quality. We won’t stop until you’re 100% satisfied – that’s a guarantee.

Efficiency. Chalk Pastels on Paper. Unframed ! 58cm by 42cm. £75 not including P&P.

This is a pure Abstract Drawing !

Double Base Player. Oil on Canvas. 56cm by 45cm. Unframed ! £95 not including P&P.

Satisfying customers is my top priority. That’s why I believe in offering fair and transparent prices with no hidden fees or extra charges.

Yellow, Black and White. Acrylic on Canvas, Large Abstract 4.5 ft by 4.5 ft. Unframed !  £395 not including P&P.

Most of this piece of Art was painted with a knife It I think is a very attractive painting some people say it reminds them of water. Would be ideal in a large hallway.

Colourful Abstract Acrylic on Canvas. 120cm by 80cm Large piece of Art. Unframed ! £395 not including P&P.

This bold bueatifull painting is a snip at the price !

Our Service to You

Discover more about our extensive range of professional services. We constantly update this page, but if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please feel free to get in touch with us – we will be more than happy to help.

African Lady. Oil Pastel on Paper. 47.5cm by 37cm including frame. £135 not including P&P.

This drawing was drawn from a moving Model taking references to complete the art.

African Lady framed in part wood and hard plastic frame.

Pheonix Rising in Vivary Park.  Acylic on Paper. 71cm by 55cm including frame. £295 not including any P&P. 

Vivary Park is in Taunton and this is an imagined depiction, partly using photographs for this piece of art.

Close up of Pheonix painting, Dark Grey frame with cream Mount.

Chair in Room setting. Oil on Canvas. 60.5 cm by 49cm. including frame £285 not including any P&P.

This is a bit of a homage to David Hockney's art.

Chair painting with a close up of the lovely gold frame.

Satisfying customers is my top priority. That’s why I believe in offering fair and transparent prices with no hidden fees or extra charges

Composition 1. Acrylic on Paper. 75cm by 55.5cm including frame. £295 not including any P&P.

With this painting the started with a life drawing and if you look there is a figure visible then I worked into it with a sponge dabbed on to create this piece of art.

This is a close-up of the gold frame and cream coloured mount, for the painting Composition 1.

Chris Bunting's Saxophones. Acrylic on Paper. 70cm by 58cm including frame. £395 not including P&P.

I have always been interest in art depicting musical instruments brass in particular I love the reflections and shine. My friend Chris gave me some photographs of his Saxophones which I used to create this piece of art. I have looked at the subject in a creative way seeing shapes and elements rather than paint in a traditional way of art !

Quality frame close-up of white frame and light green mount for painting of Chris Bunting's Saxophones.

Portrait of David Soul. Oil on Paper. 73cm by 57cm including frame. £280 not including P&P.

David Soul has always been of interest to me ever since watching Starsky and Hutch in the 1970's. I took this painting from a magazine and thougt I would paint it in a painterly piece of art and in a traditional way.

Close-up of gold frame and dark green mount for David Soul Painting.

The frames featured are profesissonally framed and are of high quality.

Street Musicians. Oil on Canvas, 88.5cm by 66.5cm including frame. £445 not including any P&P.

This painting was taken from a photograph as you can see it is painted in quite an impressionistic  way but then also using abstract shapes combined in this I have still completed a recognisable Artwork but created an original interesting Artwork. This painting is popular with the viewing public.

Blue Painting. Gouache on Paper. 45cm by 35cm including frame, £95 not including P&P.

This image is about different hues of the same colour.

This is a close-up with gold frame and cream coloured mount. It was professionally mounted and the frame was given to me but is still a nice frame and sets off the art well, it frames the Blue Painting.

Our aim is that you are completely satisfied with our products and services. That’s why we not only provide professional advice before you order: We are also there to help you afterwards, serving as reliable support.

Cherries. Oil on Paper. 58cm by 42cm. Unframed. £75 not including P&P.

This painting is self explanatory with loose paint and hard edges a very attractive image !

Red, Blue and Black. Oil Bar and Acrylic on Paper. 58cm by 42cm. Unframed £75 not including P&P.

This piece of Artwork I use on Mugs, Postcards etc.

Face and Mark Making. Acrylic, Felt Pen, Biro and Collage. Unframed. 58cm by 42cm. Unframed. £75 not including P&P.

This piece of art is what it says on the tin !

Life Study. Acrylic Wash and ink. 58cm by 42cm. Unframed. £25 not including P&P.

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Get in touch




If would like to Contact me there are the following methods:

Telephone :

01823 326410


+44 7486909005


More about my original art pieces and the service I give you :

When you buy an original piece of Art you are purchasing something no one else has and that is why some Artwork demands such high prices and I think my art is reasonably priced. For that you get a quality art piece. Please note that the images you see on this Website will be slightly smaller than the actual work, this is because the image has to use templates provided but the sizes given are correct. So you get a very good idea of the art you purchase ! If you live locally or if you want to travel to view the art in the flesh this can be arranged, just contact me.

If you want more close up photographs in detail  let me know and I will do my best to sort something but if it is framed and under glass this could be more difficult. If you want to know more about me or my work please contact me. Art can be sent through the post, let me know which art pieces you  are interested in and I will get a price for additional postage. Art is not just for the elite anyone can have an interest in art or actually produce it, why not have a go I can give advice if you want and suggest places and organizations who can help. Art is very important in society and culture itself . It has been proved in societies that do not have it the countries degenerate and quite often become third World countries. 

Sometimes when I tell people I am an Artist there eyes roll and snear, I am proud to be an Artist and feel sorry for people who do not like it. It's a Life style and I love it.

The following six Drawings are Life Drawings Charcoal on Paper. 58cm by 42cm Unframed. £25 each not including P&P.




Nicola, Reclining.


Hayley 2

More Images :

Girl. Graphite on Paper and Tea Wash. 58cm by 42cm. Unframed. £25 not including P&P.

This Drawing was created during the Covid Lock down as we know a horrible time in the world's history. I think the eyes are probably the most evoking part of this piece of art.

Shoes. Charcoal and Pencil on Paper. 58cm by 42cm. Unframed. £35 not including P&P.

This drawing is self explanatory I think is a good study I like very much.

Life Study in Blue and Red. Charcoal and Collage. 29.7 by 42cm. Unframed. £20 not including P&P

Cat among the Pigeons. Oil Pastels on Paper. Approx 59cm by 43cm. Unframed. £25 not including  P&P.

Nude. Pastel on Paper. 58cm by 42cm. Unframed. £25 not including P&P

From a Life Drawing Class. Oil Pastel and torn Collage. 29.7cm by 42cm. Unframed. £25 not including P&P.

This includes torn paper collage drawing on coloured paper.

Head and Neck. Oil on Canvas. 55cm by 45.5cm. Unframed. £110 not including P&P.

Face Surrounded by Coloured Shapes. Acrylic on Paper. Approx 58cm by 42cm. Unframed. £75 not including P&P.

My Merchandise

I put my art on Mugs, Prints , Postcards type prints, T-shirts in-fact a lot of things prices vary due to how much I can buy them for please enquire about products and I will see if I can supply them, the following are some examples !

These mugs are designed with my Abstract Art but other designs can be used. They should be hand washed, machine washable are available but more expensive !


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